Content API Client

Content API JavaScript Client

Ghost provides a flexible promise-based JavaScript library for accessing the Content API. The library can be used in any JavaScript project, client or server side and abstracts away all the pain points of working with API data.


<script lang="ts">
import type { Context } from '@nuxt/types';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      posts: [],

  async asyncData({ app, params }: Context) {
    const posts = await app.$ghost.posts.browse({ limit: 5, include: 'tags,authors' });

    return {


The client requires the host address of your Ghost API, a Content API key, and a version string in order to authenticate.

The Content API URL and key can be obtained by creating a new Custom Integration under the Integrations screen in Ghost Admin.

See the documentation on Content API authentication for more explanation.


All endpoints & parameters provided by the Content API are supported.

// Browsing posts returns Promise([Post...]);
// The resolved array will have a meta property
this.$ghost.posts.browse({ limit: 2, include: 'tags,authors' });

// Reading posts returns Promise(Post);
this.${ id: 'abcd1234' });
this.${ slug: 'something' }, { formats: ['html', 'plaintext'] });

// Browsing authors returns Promise([Author...])
// The resolved array will have a meta property
this.$ghost.authors.browse({ page: 2 });

// Reading authors returns Promise(Author);
this.${ id: 'abcd1234' });
this.${ slug: 'something' }, { include: 'count.posts' }); // include can be array for any of these

// Browsing tags returns Promise([Tag...])
// The resolved array will have a meta property
this.$ghost.tags.browse({ order: 'slug ASC' });

// Reading tags returns Promise(Tag);
this.${ id: 'abcd1234' });
this.${ slug: 'something' }, { include: 'count.posts' });

// Browsing pages returns Promise([Page...])
// The resolved array will have a meta property
this.$ghost.pages.browse({ limit: 2 });

// Reading pages returns Promise(Page);
this.${ id: 'abcd1234' });
this.${ slug: 'something' }, { fields: ['title'] });

// Browsing settings returns Promise(Settings...)
// The resolved object has each setting as a key value pair

For all resources except settings, the browse() method will return an array of objects, and the read() method will return a single object. The settings.browse() endpoint always returns a single object with all the available key-value pairs.

See the documentation on Content API resources for a full description of the response for each resource.


Ghost provides the filter parameter to fetch your content with endless possibilities! Especially useful for retrieving posts according to their tags, authors or other properties.

Ghost uses the NQL query language to create filters in a simple yet powerful string format. See the NQL Syntax Reference for full details.

Filters are provided to client libraries via the filter property of any browse method.

this.$ghost.posts.browse({ filter: 'featured:true' });

Incorrectly formatted filters will result in a 400 Bad Request Error. Filters that don’t match any data will return an empty array.


<script lang="ts">
import type { Context } from '@nuxt/types';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      posts: [],

  async asyncData({ app, params }: Context) {
    const posts = await app.$ghost.posts.browse({
      filter: 'tag:fiction+tag:-fables',

    return {

Common Filters

  • featured:true - all resources with a field featured that is set to true.
  • featured:true+feature_image:null - looks for featured posts which don’t have a feature image set by using + (and).
  • tag:hash-noimg - tag is an alias for tags.slug and hash-noimg would be the slug for an internal tag called #NoImg. This filter would allow us to find any post that has this internal tag.
  • tags:[photo, video, audio] - filters posts which have any one of the listed tags, [] (grouping) is more efficient than using or when querying the same field.
  • primary_author:my-author - primary_author is an alias for the first author, allowing for filtering based on the first author.
  • published_at:>'2017-06-03 23:43:12' - looks for posts published after a date, using a date string wrapped in single quotes and the > operator

JavaScript SDK

A collection of packages for common API usecases


  • Package: @tryghost/helpers
  • Builds: CJS, ES, UMD The shared helpers are designed for performing data formatting tasks, usually when creating custom frontends.


Filters and outputs tags. By default, the helper will output a comma separated list of tag names, excluding any internal tags.

import { tags } from '@tryghost/helpers';

const posts = await this.$ghost.posts.browse({
  filter: 'tag:fiction+tag:-fables',

// Outputs e.g. Posted in: New Things, Releases, Features.
posts.forEach((post) => {
  tags(post, { prefix: 'Posted in: ', suffix: '.' });

The first argument must be a post object, or any object that has a tags array.


The tag helper supports multiple options so that you can control exactly what is output, without having to write any logic.

  • limit {integer} - limits the number of tags to be returned
  • from {integer, default:1} - index of the tag to start iterating from
  • to {integer} - index of the last tag to iterate over
  • separator {string, default:","} - string used between each tag
  • prefix {string} - string to output before each tag
  • suffix {string} - string to output after each tag
  • visibility {string, default:“public”} - change to “all” to include internal tags
  • fallback {object} - a fallback tag to output if there are none
  • fn {function} - function to call on each tag, default returns Reading

Reading Time

Calculates the estimated reading time based on the HTML for a post & available images.

import { readingTime } from '@tryghost/helpers';

const posts = await this.$ghost.posts.browse();

// Outputs e.g. A 5 minute read.
posts.forEach((post) => {
  readingTime(post, { minute: 'A 1 minute read.', minutes: 'A % minute read.' });

The first argument must be a post object, or any object that has an html string. If a feature_image is present, this is taken into account.


The output of the reading time helper can be customised through format strings.

  • minute {string, default:“1 min read”} - format for reading times <= 1 minute
  • minutes {string, default:"% min read"} - format for reading times > 1 minute


  • Package: @tryghost/string
  • Builds: CJS

Utilities for processing strings.


The function Ghost uses to turn a post title or tag name into a slug for use in URLs.

const { slugify } = require('@tryghost/string');
const slug = slugify('你好 👋!'); // slug === "ni-hao"

The first argument is the string to transform. The second argument is an optional options object.


The output can be customised by passing options

  • requiredChangesOnly {boolean, default:false} - don’t perform optional cleanup, e.g. removing extra dashes
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Mon, Oct 24, 2022